Infinite Runner Engine v1.9
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 CMoreMountains.Tools.AIStateA State is a combination of one or more actions, and one or more transitions. An example of a state could be "_patrolling until an enemy gets in range_".
 CMoreMountains.Tools.AITransitionTransitions are a combination of one or more decisions and destination states whether or not these transitions are true or false. An example of a transition could be "_if an enemy gets in range, transition to the Shooting state_".
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.BlinkPhaseDescribes a blink phase, defined by a duration for the phase, and the time it should remain inactive and active, sequentially For the duration of the phase, the object will be off for OffDuration, then on for OnDuration, then off again for OffDuration, etc If you want a grenade to blink briefly every .2 seconds, for 1 second, these parameters are what you're after : PhaseDuration = 1f; OffDuration = 0.2f; OnDuration = 0.1f;
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug.DebugLogItemA struct used to store log items
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMF_PlayerEditor.FeedbackTypePairA data structure to store types and names
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksEditor.FeedbackTypePairA data structure to store types and names
 CMoreMountains.Tools.FogSettingsA simple class used to store fog properties
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMInput.IMButtonIM button, short for InputManager button, a class used to handle button states, whether mobile or actual keys
 CMoreMountains.Tools.IMMSaveLoadManagerMethodAn interface to implement save and load using different methods (binary, json, etc)
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.InternalWigglePropertiesA struct used to store internal wiggle properties
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMAchievementUnlockedEventAn event type used to broadcast the fact that an achievement has been unlocked
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManagerSettingsA simple class used to store additive loading settings
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMAnimatorMirror.MMAnimatorMirrorBindStruct used to store bindings
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioFilterDistortionShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioFilterEchoShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioFilterHighPassShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioFilterLowPassShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioFilterReverbShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioSourcePitchShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioSourceStereoPanShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMAudioSourceVolumeShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMAutoExecutionItemA data class to store auto execution info to be used in MMAutoExecution
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMBeatEventAn event you can listen to that will get automatically triggered for every remapped beat
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMBloomShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMBloomShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMBloomShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMCameraClippingPlanesShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMCameraFieldOfViewShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMCameraOrthographicSizeShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMCameraShakePropertiesCamera shake properties
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMChannelMixerShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMChannelMixerShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMChromaticAberrationShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMChromaticAberrationShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMCinemachinePriorityEventAn event used to pilot priorities on cinemachine virtual cameras and brain transitions
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMColorAdjustmentsShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMColorAdjustmentsShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMColorGradingShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMCooldownA class to handle cooldown related properties and their resource consumption over time Remember to initialize it (once) and update it every frame from another class
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMCountdown.MMCountdownFloorA class to store floor information
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugEditorAn editor class used to display menu items
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebug.MMDebugLogEventAn event used to broadcast debug logs
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugMenuButtonEventAn event used to broadcast button events from a MMDebugMenu
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugMenuCheckboxEventAn event used to broadcast checkbox events from a MMDebugMenu
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugMenuChoiceEntryA class used to store choices contents
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugMenuItemA class used to store a menu item
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMDebugMenuSliderEventAn event used to broadcast slider events from a MMDebugMenu
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMDepthOfFieldShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMDepthOfFieldShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMAchievementUnlockedEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMFadeEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMFadeInEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMFadeOutEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMFadeStopEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMGameEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerSoundControlEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerTrackEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListener< MMSwipeEvent >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMEventListenerBaseEvent listener basic interface
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMExposureShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger exposure shakes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMF_PlayerEventEvents triggered by a MMFeedbacks when playing a series of feedbacks
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMF_PlayerEventsA subclass of MMFeedbacks, contains UnityEvents that can be played,
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMFadeEventEvents used to trigger faders on or off
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMFadeStopEventAn event used to stop fades
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMFeedbackNVSettingsA class used to store and manage common Nice Vibrations feedback settings
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksEventEvents triggered by a MMFeedbacks when playing a series of feedbacks
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbacksEventsA subclass of MMFeedbacks, contains UnityEvents that can be played,
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMFeedbackTimingA class collecting delay, cooldown and repeat values, to be used to define the behaviour of each MMFeedback
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMFilmGrainShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger FilmGrain shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMFilmGrainShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger FilmGrain shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMFloatingTextSpawnEventAn event used (usually by feedbacks) to trigger the spawn of a new floating text
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMGameEventMMGameEvents are used throughout the game for general game events (game started, game ended, life lost, etc.)
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMGroupSelectionA class used to add a menu item and a shortcut to group objects together under a parent game object
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMGyroCamA class used to store gyro properties per camera
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMInputExecutionBindingA class used to store MMInputExecution bindings, associating a target keycode to UnityEvents
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMIStateMachinePublic interface for the state machine.
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMLensDistortionShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMLensDistortionShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMLensDistortionShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLoot< T >A class defining the contents of a MMLootTable
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLoot< float >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLoot< GameObject >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLoot< string >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLootTable< T, V >A loot table helper that can be used to randomly pick objects out of a weighted list This design pattern was described in more details by Daniel Cook in 2014 in his blog :
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLootTable< MMLootFloat, float >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLootTable< MMLootGameObject, GameObject >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMLootTable< MMLootString, string >
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMMotionBlurShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMMotionBlurShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMMultipleObjectPoolerObjectMultiple object pooler object.
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMObservable< T >This struct lets you declare observable properties. For example, let's say you have a class called Character, and you declare its speed like so :
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMPaniniProjectionShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMPaniniProjectionShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPathMovementElementThis class describes a node on an MMPath
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPersistentHumbleSingleton< BackgroundMusic >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPersistentSingleton< CharacterSelectorManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPersistentSingleton< MMSoundManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPersistentSingleton< PersistentBackgroundMusic >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPersistentSingleton< SoundManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPlaylistPlayEventThis class stores all the info related to items in a playlist
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPostProcessingMovingFilterEventAn event used to move filters on and off a camera
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPropertyLinkA class, meant to be extended, used to control a MMProperty and get/set its value
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMPropertyPickerA class used to pick a property on a target object / component / scriptable object
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMRadioLevelEventA struct event used to broadcast the level to channels
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMRadioSignalGeneratorItemA class used to store generator items and their properties
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMReorderableArray< AIAction >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMReorderableArray< AITransition >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMReorderableArray< MMDebugMenuItem >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMReorderableArray< MMRadioSignalGeneratorItem >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMReorderableArray< MMTilemapGeneratorLayer >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSaveLoadManagerEncrypterThis class implements methods to encrypt and decrypt streams
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSaveLoadTestObjectA test object to store data to test the MMSaveLoadManager class
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSceneScene management helpers
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSceneLoadingAntiSpillThis helper class, meant to be used by the MMAdditiveSceneLoadingManager, creates a temporary scene to store objects that might get instantiated, and empties it in the destination scene once loading is complete
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSequenceListA class used to store sequence notes
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSequenceNoteA class describing the contents of a sequence note, basically a timestamp and the ID to play at that timestamp
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSequenceTrackA class describing the properties of a sequence's track : ID, color (for the inspector), Key (for the recorder), State (for the recorder)
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSfxEventA struct used to trigger sounds
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMShufflebag< T >A class to use to get more controlled randomness, taking values out of the bag randomly, and never getting them again
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSignalThis class lets you output the value corresponding to one of the basic signal types it contains. Useful to draw basic signal curves.
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< GameManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< GUIManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< InputManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< LevelManager >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< Map >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSingleton< StartScreen >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerAllSoundsControlEventThis event will let you pause/play/stop/free all sounds playing through the MMSoundManager at once
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerAudioPoolThis class manages an object pool of audiosources
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerEventThis event will let you trigger a save/load/reset on the MMSoundManager settings
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerPlayOptionsA class used to store options for MMSoundManager play
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerSettingsThis class stores MMSoundManager settings and lets you tweak them from the MMSoundManagerSettingsSO's inspector
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerSoundA simple struct used to store information about the sounds played by the MMSoundManager
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerSoundControlEventAn event used to control a specific sound on the MMSoundManager. You can either search for it by ID, or directly pass an audiosource if you have it
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerSoundFadeEventThis event will let you pause
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerSoundPlayEventThis event will let you play a sound on the MMSoundManager
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerTrackEventThis feedback will let you mute, unmute, play, pause, stop, free or set the volume of a selected track
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSoundManagerTrackFadeEventThis event will let you order the MMSoundManager to fade an entire track's sounds' volume towards the specified FinalVolume
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSpawnAroundPropertiesThis class is used to describe spawn properties, to be used by the MMSpawnAround class. It's meant to be exposed and used by classes that are designed to spawn objects, typically loot systems
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSpeedTestItemA struct to store data associated to speed tests
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.MMSpriteRendererShakeEventAn event used (usually from MMFeeedbackSpriteRenderer) to shake the values of a SpriteRenderer
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMStateChangeEvent< T >
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMSwipeEventAn event usually triggered when a swipe happens. It contains the swipe "base" direction, and detailed information if needed (angle, length, origin and destination
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMTilemapGeneratorLayerA class used to store and edit the data of MMTilemapGenerator layers, which you can use and combine to generate unique and random grids
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMTilemapGeneratorLayer.MMTilemapGeneratorLayerSafeSpotA struct used to store safe spots dimensions
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMVignetteShakeEventAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMVignetteShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMVignetteShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMWhiteBalanceShakeEvent_HDRPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.FeedbacksForThirdParty.MMWhiteBalanceShakeEvent_URPAn event used to trigger vignette shakes
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMParallaxUI.ParallaxLayerA class used to store layer settings
 CMoreMountains.Tools.PlatformBindingsA class used to store bindings
 CMoreMountains.Tools.RagdollBodyPartA class used to store ragdoll body parts informations
 CMoreMountains.Tools.RatioA class to store ratio display info
 CMoreMountains.Tools.MMConeOfVision.RaycastDataA struct to store raycast data
 CMoreMountains.InfiniteRunnerEngine.ScenarioEventThis class describes an item in the scenario.
 CMoreMountains.Tools.SerializedMMAchievementA serializable class used to store an achievement into a save file
 CMoreMountains.Tools.SerializedMMAchievementManagerSerializable MM achievement manager.
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.TimeScalePropertiesThe different settings you can play with on a timescale event
 CMoreMountains.Feedbacks.WigglePropertiesA class to store public wiggle properties